Wednesday, July 11, 2007

Summer Solstice 2007


Sat Nam!!!
I know it's been forever since I've posted anything (about half a year), but I'm still here, and with plenty of spiritually uplifting music live music to share. The Summer Solstice Sadhana here in Espanola just ended. I didn't record nearly as much music as I would've liked, most of the main events got recorded, but there were a lot of Yogi Tea Cafe performances that I really wish I could've captured on tape. I did get a few good one's though. One musician in particular I am very happy to have and be able to share, Leraine Horstmanshoff. She played in the Yogi Tea Cafe a few times as well as in the Rensabhai. Whether she was rocking out, or playing something soft and meditative, she did it with so much skill, as well as a lot of heart. One of the most amazing things she did, which I'm sad to say I wasn't able record, was play the didgeridoo and guitar at the same time. We (the sound crew) had to help her by making a little nook on the floor of the stage out of tape so she could keep the didge steady since both hands were busy with the guitar.

The first track is from Yogi Tea Cafe. When I was recording this, my computer crapped out during her intro, so I tried to edit the pieces I had into something smooth. The second 2 are from the Rensabhai. She played at a really magical time just before the Amrit Ceremony started and only the die hards were still awake. There was a group of us sitting together right in front of the stage she was on and there's one part where you can here us all singing together in unison. It was really beautiful.

I wish I had some pictures of her, or knew if she had a website I could link to. I feel bad for not putting more energy into getting to know her, if anyone does, please let me know or direct her here.
And enjoy her awesome music! The above picture is from Prabhu's blog and is outside the tent and around the time Yogi Tea Cafe was happening.

Leraine - Pray

Leraine - Ma

Leraine - Sweet Surrender