Tuesday, October 10, 2006

Music Nights

I've decided to start at the beginning (double meaning) and work my way to the present with my first few posts, and show some of the significant audio as well as compositional things I've done. This post is reflecting from March until the Summer Solstice of this year. You may wonder what happened in the year and half between "In The Beginning" and this. All that stuff can be found either on my Website or my Myspace Music account (links to the right). Those were more formal recording and multitracking projects, while I see the purpose of this blog as a chronicle of some of the more spontaneous things I've been able to participate in or even just witness and record.

And in that spirit, this post is dedicated to Music Night.
Earlier this year between February and May, a group of us here in Espanola would get together almost every Tuesday evening in the Gurduara and just Jam. It was open to anyone who wished to come, and we never came with anything prepared. We would just play things we knew and also come up with stuff on the spot. This sometimes didn't go anywhere, but often it would lead to some great evolutionary composition. The first track below is a Wahe Guru chant where the tune evolved from the Raag of the Shabd we had just played (a Raag is a set of melodic guidelines, and a Shabd is like a devotional poem put to music). The second track is the same chant and tune played months later for Sadhana at Summer Solstice. It's really awesome to be able to record this organic creative process. I hope you enjoy.

Wahe Guru - Music Night

Wahe Guru - Summer Solstice Sadhana

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