Wednesday, October 18, 2006

Spirit Voyage Idol

Tej Kaur

If any of you check reguarly, you'll know that he posted clips of Dileep Kaur from the Spirit Voyage contest at Summer Solstice. You may wonder why he didn't post more of the performances from the competetion, since so many of them were so uplifting. If you know anything about video though, you know how long it can take to proccess hours of DV tape, especially for the web, and Gurumustuk already puts so much time into this stuff, he can't do everyting. I agree with many of you though, that these recordings should be shared and available, so I took it upon myself to borrow the original tapes from Gurumustuk and do what need to be done to put them on the web. The quality of these recordings doesn't really do the singers justice, mostly because the audio's a little distorted. Their ability to express their devotion to the Shabd Guru through music still shines through though.

I'm going to post Tej Kaur's first, because she was one of my favorites and, in my opinion, one of the most humble as well as powerfull contestants. I beleive she deserved to win just as much as anyone there.

I Am

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Guru Ram Das Guru

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1 comment:

Gurumustuk Singh said...

Great to see the new stuff on your blog :) Glad you got the audio/video stuff working.