Thursday, November 09, 2006

Sat Purkh Kaur

Sat Purkh kaur was the 2nd place winner of Spirit voyage idol by only a few votes. Even though she didn't win the contest, she's still well on the way to getting her beutiful and uplifting music produced. This video if from her second performance at Spirit Voyage Idol. If you want to hear more of her, she has almost half a dozen of her own tracks posted on her blog.

© Copyright Gina Salá 2001

Sunday, November 05, 2006

My Musical Journey

I decided some time ago that I Want my career path to involve music. I know that making a living as a musician alone can be hard, but my goal is more of an all inclusive one. I'm just as interested in helping people who have uplifting and inspirational talent get their music out as I am getting my own stuff published. I'm also almost stubbornly independent. I'd much rather learn how do something, understand how it works and get exactly what I'm looking for, rather than pay someone else to do it for me. So natural I fell into a path of production. I've studied the art and science of audio for almost 2 and a half years now. That coupled with 10 years of playing piano and other music experience, and some of the connections I've been able to make within the 3HO community (one I thing I can't say enough about how much I value), I think I'm well on my way.

My biggest regret in my musical journey is not taking more advantage of the Raag vocal training I received while I was in India. I started studying not long after the members of the Chardikala Jatha started, and If I had kept a steady discipline this whole time, I could have taken if very far by now. For me there's nothing quite like a Shabd of the Guru which is slowly developed in the Raag in which it was written by someone who has devoted hours a day for years to be able to give praise to god it this way. As Sikhs, we value Naad Yoga, or the union with a divine and perfect sound current as one of the highest and quickest way attain god consciousness, and Raag Kirtan is the highest of the high. I had the blessing and very unique opportunity to study this technology, I took it for for granted. I should count my blessings though. When I started studying, I already had a somewhat developed musical sense and some raw vocal talent, so I was able get al lot out of the short couple years I took it semi-seriously. Enough so that if I were to renew my practice, with enough discipline and patience, I may be able regain some of what I lost or could've had.
To help renew my inspiration and devotion, here s a picture of our Raag Ustad and members of the Chardikala jetha playing at the Gurduara at Miri Piri Academy (where I went to highschool and was able to study Raag) a good four years ago or so.

He's a teacher in it's a highest form.
The picture was taken by Gurumustuk's brother Dharam Singh who's a natural photographer and is lucky enough to be in India studying right now.

And to continue the spirit and purpose of this blog, here's a recording of the Chardikala Jatha from about a year ago in the Espanola Gurduara.

Ik Ardaas Bhaat Keerat Kee


Wednesday, November 01, 2006

My Space

I finally got some studio monitors a week or so ago. Now my little production space is finally usable. It's not the most ideal setup, but for listening to music and editing things to post on the blog, it's perfect. Now I need to work on making my whole room a creatively condusive space. It's kind of plain and I still have trouble keeping it clean. One of these days I'm going to open up my own studio and do it right.

And here's fun track that I put together about a year ago just for the hell of it. The drums were recorded almost 2 years ago when a friend and I were just messing around. Then last year I replayed the piano part, and my audio teacher Jason Goodyear (Santa Fe Sound and Milo De Venus) played a little guitar over it. It's not a great production, but it was fun to make and I still think it's fun to listen to.

Praise You